Thursday, August 11, 2011

Library at home..

I love a library at home, we have a great space for one in our family room.  I cannot wait to create some built-in bookcases and fill them with great stories and design books.
Do you have a library space in your home?

images via from greenwich with love



  1. Growing up i had huge bookshelves all over our house. My grandma always wanted floor to ceiling ones though. SO i think i do too.

  2. Your photo is grand, I love them both.
    My library consist of stacks and stacks and more stacks on chairs, tables and floor. Oh to have a bookcase just for my design, gardening and collecting books alone could take up one. My house is so tiny I haven't anywhere one could go, wait maybe on both sides of my fireplace.
    Thanks for giving me something to dream about. Kathy


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